10:00 - 17:00
10:00 - 17:00
openinghours.days.long.tuesday Open till openinghours.days.long.wednesday openinghours.openfromto.long
openinghours.days.long.thursday openinghours.openfromto.long
openinghours.days.long.friday Open till openinghours.days.long.sunday openinghours.openfromto.long
openinghours.days.long.monday closed
openinghours.days.long.tuesday Open till openinghours.days.long.wednesday openinghours.and openinghours.days.long.friday openinghours.openfromto.long
openinghours.days.long.thursday openinghours.openfromto.long
openinghours.days.long.saturday Open till openinghours.days.long.monday closed
10:00 - 17:00
openinghours.days.long.tuesday Open till openinghours.days.long.wednesday openinghours.openfromto.long
openinghours.days.long.thursday openinghours.openfromto.long
openinghours.days.long.friday Open till openinghours.days.long.sunday openinghours.openfromto.long
openinghours.days.long.monday closed
openinghours.days.long.tuesday Open till openinghours.days.long.wednesday openinghours.and openinghours.days.long.friday openinghours.openfromto.long
openinghours.days.long.thursday openinghours.openfromto.long
openinghours.days.long.saturday Open till openinghours.days.long.monday closed
Guided tour with an expert
Die Führung beleuchtet die Ausstellung «Konsumwelten. Alltägliches im Fokus» aus der Perspektive der Konsumpsychologie. Was treibt unser Konsumverhalten an? Die Führung zeigt auf, wie tief verwurzelte menschliche Bedürfnisse und Motive – von Überleben und Fürsorge bis hin zu Status und Attraktivität – unser Kaufverhalten prägen. Konsum ist dabei mehr als blosser Bedarf: Er erfüllt emotionale, soziale und kulturelle Funktionen und spiegelt universelle Konstanten der menschlichen Natur wider. Anhand der ausgestellten Verkaufsorte und Konsummomente wird deutlich, wie diese Motive unseren Alltag und die Gesellschaft beeinflussen – gestern wie heute.
Museumstrasse 2
8021 Zürich
openinghours.days.long.monday Open till openinghours.days.long.friday openinghours.openfromto.long
From markets to department stores to online: where and how we shop has changed drastically over the past 170 years. And consumption itself is constantly evolving, too. More money and more free time are shaping what we can do, what we need and what we want, both individually and collectively. This is evidenced by a wide range of photos, as well as graphic works from posters to shopping bags. The exhibition draws on pieces from the Swiss National Museum collection to present eclectic imagery from everyday life. It ranges from the colourful kiosk to the department store that has everything, and from a cheerful get-together at the local pub to a photo slideshow at home reminiscing about past summer holidays.