125 Jahre Landesmuseum

125 Years National Museum Zurich


In 2023, the National Museum Zurich celebrated its 125th anniversary with various events, guided tours and the exhibition “1898 – 2023 – 2148”.


1898 – 2023 – 2148

10. - 11.06.2023

Four school groups from Switzerland's four language regions present everyday objects that will tell people 125 years from now – in 2148 – something about the present day. What should future generations know about 2023? What objects could the National Museum Zurich exhibit in 125 years' time to provide an insight into the world as it is now? 

The collected objects illustrate the things that matter to young people, how they spend their free time, and what they find thought-provoking, exciting or stressful. They range from personal keepsakes and practical implements to symbolic substitutes.


Briefmarke zum 125. Jubiläum des Landesmuseums, 2023.

To celebrate the 125th anniversary of the National Museum, a special Swiss Post stamp has been issued. It is available in the National Museum's boutique.

Participatory activity

A special hands-on activity for young and old offered the opportunity to become part of the anniversary: In the inner courtyard, we formed the logo of the National Museum together and captured it on a photo for eternity.

Many thanks to all the volunteers who participated!

The National Museum Zrich over the course of time

Selected milestones and events in the history of the National Museum Zurich.

Blog posts about the history of the National Museum Zurich


The National Museum’s birthday: cause for celebration

published on 2.6.2023

This year, the National Museum Zurich celebrates its 125th anniversary – a fitting occasion to review the museum’s eventful past and look to the future at the same time. The highlight of the celebrations is the anniversary weekend on 10 and 11 June.

The anniversary weekend features a rich programme of exhibitions, workshops and special tours. Visitors will be able to go behind the scenes and find out all sorts of things about the museum, from how its energy supply works to how an exhibition is organised. The exhibitions include 30-minute journeys through time where the curators use an object to delve deep into the past.

By contrast, the '1898–2023–2148' event, taking place exclusively on the anniversary weekend, is all about the future. Four school classes from Switzerland's four language regions will present everyday objects that will tell people 125 years from now – in 2148 – something about the present day. The public will also have the opportunity to talk to the young people about the objects they have chosen and the stories behind them. The new temporary exhibition 'Red-haired Zora and the Black Brothers' will also be officially opened on Saturday 10 June. It traces the lives of writing couple Lisa Tetzner and Kurt Kläber and examines what makes their famous young people’s books so popular.

On Saturday evening, a concert by Swiss musician Marius Bear in the museum courtyard will end the day on a musical note. In 2022, the Appenzell native represented Switzerland in Eurovision and his distinctive voice won over the audience.

Sunday is for the young guests: besides all the family tours, there will be a children’s concert with Laurent & Max at 11am. Hannibal mini-theatre will host a performance of the famous story 'The Outsiders of Uskoken Castle'. A manually operated carousel will also keep the children entertained.

The temporary exhibition 'Happy you have rights day' that runs until 16 July takes another occasion – the 175th anniversary of the Confederation – as an opportunity to revisit the history of the Swiss Federal Constitution, especially the fundamental rights - and to bring them to life in a fun and entertaining way.

Refreshments will be available from vegan food oasis Hofkino in the inner courtyard and Bistro Spitz.

Entry is free on both days. The complete programme is at www.landesmuseum.ch/125


National Museum Zurich press contact

+41 44 218 65 64 medien@nationalmuseum.ch